Fun Fact: Did you know that African-Americans represent over 40% of the U.S. Prison Population? Did you also know that African-Americans make up only 12% of the U.S. total population. Let's crunch some numbers: Estimated people in America: 313.9 million people (2012) Estimated African-Americans in America: 38,929,319 (2012) THIS MEANS AFRICAN-AMERICANS ACCOUNT FOR 12.6% OF THE TOTAL U.S. POPULATION U.S. Prison Population: 2.2 million people are currently in jail. This is by far the worlds leading number of people incriminated in a country. How many of these people are African-American? 40% of the U.S. Prison population is made up of African-Americans (non-hispanic blacks) Also if we were to take a look at the demographics of CAPITOL PUNISHMENT in the states of California and Texas: CALIFORNIA (73.5 percent White) (6.6 percent African-American) 742 total killed, 269 Black, 257 White, 179 Latino, 12 Native-American, 25 Asian TEXAS (80.3 percent White) (12.4 percent...
Thinker, Social Critic, Writer and Speaker. This is the social commentary of a Black American Christian.