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Showing posts from May, 2014

What is it like to be a Christian? I'll try and explain from my limited perspective.

Being a Christian can be equated to two lovers getting married and then beginning the real task of living together. There is the euphoria where love is fully found for the first time and a man and a woman have now entered into a new life together. It could modestly be equated to fully witnessing your first spring or catching your first taste of the cold morning dew. We as the Bride have exchanged our vows and promised to be faithful to One Husband. Though, while we conceptual ly may have understood, we did not realize then how strenuous the process of dying to oneself would really be. We now begin the process of riding ourselves of all selfishness (all the while failing miserably) and seeking forgiveness for our wrongdoings, daily. Like the perfect Husband He graciously forgives us and continues to lead us with life-giving leadership but we struggle with accepting that He still perfectly loves us in spite of ourselves. Daily, He affirms us by noting how wonderfully made w...