Lifetime Likelihood of Imprisonment: White Men 1 in 17 (5.8% of all White Men) There are a total of 197,870,516 (as of 2014) million non-Hispanic White people in America. This is roughly 63% of the total U.S. Population. Lifetime Likelihood of Imprisonment: Black Men 1 in 3 (33% of all Black Men) There are a total of 42,020,743 (as of 2014) million Black people in America. This is roughly 13% of the total U.S. population. There are more than 2,400,000 people incarcerated in the United States. 40% of the U.S. Prison population are Black Americans (2,306 per 100,000 people). 39% of the U.S. Prison population are White Americans (450 per 100,000). "Black cities have similar crime statistics for blacks as do cities where majority of population is white." Bureau of Justice Report What is interesting about these numbers is that there is a clear lack of delineation when we hear people talk about the fairness of our justice system is giving fair and equal treatment ...
Thinker, Social Critic, Writer and Speaker. This is the social commentary of a Black American Christian.