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Showing posts from 2018

Is the Gospel Preeminent in Your life or Your Political Affiliations?

Is the Gospel Preeminent in Your life or Your Political Affiliations? If we are so committed to single party participation that we are willing to sweep any form of injustice against humanity under the rug to be in favor of a little more money back on our tax returns, I would say we have missed the heart of God. If we are willing to make continual excuses for our leaders who offend, degrade and dehumanize any person or ethnic group, I would say we have missed the heart of God. If our commitment to man-made loyalties supersedes our commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, I would say we have missed the heart of God. If our racial, social or economic biases prevent us from empathizing with hurting and maligned human beings, I would say we have missed the heart of God. If we care more about being right (from where we are standing) than building bridges between ourselves and our enemies, I would say we have missed the heart of God. If we are more inclined to support s...

"Fearing for Their Safety"

# StephonClark “Fearing for their safety” Another young innocent black man has been murdered by police officers.  “Fearing for their safety”  They allowed learned racial stereotypes to lead them to protect themselves by any means necessary rather than ensure that this man was treated as a human being.  “Fearing for their safety”. These officers executed a young black man for being black in the wrong place at the wrong time.  “Fearing for their safety” Too many police officers have been licensed to discharge their cowardice and racist behavior that leads to the accumulation of more dead black bodies.  “Fearing for their safety” Another grandmother is forced to identify her dead grandson’s black body because white fear of black skin is given the green light to shoot first and ask questions later.  “Fearing for their safety”  Stephon, who probably enjoyed watching  # BlackPanther  like the rest of us have, was murdered ...

Open Letter to the American Church: In Response to Donald Trump's Tweet on the Death of Edwin Jackson

To the American Church, Enough is enough. I’ve had enough. Many God-fearing hard working people have had enough. Many people of all ethnicities have had enough. We have all had enough of the deceptive, divisive, disrupting, inhuman and inhumane rhetoric that is being echoed through the once most prestigious elected position in the world: The office of the President of the United States of America. Time and time again I have sat back a refused to address him personally because I realize that President Donald J. Trump is not the real issue. The ideology and factions that built, promote and encourage his linguistic ferocity are the real issue. Those who voted for him yet refuse to hold him and his accomplices accountable for his rhetoric and actions are the real issue. Those who sit in the corner in complicit silence while refusing to acknowledge the pain most black and brown people feel as we are constantly degraded and attacked are the real issue. There is a sickness in America tha...