“Fearing for their safety”
Another young innocent black man has been murdered by police officers.
“Fearing for their safety”
They allowed learned racial stereotypes to lead them to protect themselves by any means necessary rather than ensure that this man was treated as a human being.
“Fearing for their safety”.
These officers executed a young black man for being black in the wrong place at the wrong time.
“Fearing for their safety”
Too many police officers have been licensed to discharge their cowardice and racist behavior that leads to the accumulation of more dead black bodies.
“Fearing for their safety”
Another grandmother is forced to identify her dead grandson’s black body because white fear of black skin is given the green light to shoot first and ask questions later.
“Fearing for their safety”
Stephon, who probably enjoyed watching #BlackPanther like the rest of us have, was murdered by the very people that were supposed to ensure that he is safe and sound.
“Fearing for their safety”
Many officers continue to forget that the people they are called to protect and serve also includes 6’1 black men in hoodies who match the description of a neighborhood thief.
“Fearing for their safety”
Being described as a criminal for personal choice of clothing does not give anyone the license to kill me because it fits their racial stereotype.
“Fearing for their safety”
Is not the national calling card for, “If he’s black and provokes unsolicited white fear then kill him.”
“Fearing for their safety”
Is not a universal pass to end black lives because it suits the narrative that black skin is something to be criminalized.
“Fearing for their safety”
Is not an excuse to dehumanize me because God made my pigmentation darker than yours.
“Fearing for their safety”
Implies that it is warranted to shoot a black man TWENTY TIMES for having a cell phone in his hand yet Dylan Roof can kill 9 people in a hate crime and be taken to Burger King on his way to jail.
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